Seabreeze Promo Code Program - Instructions
You can purchase tickets online at
The following link will bring you to our webstore for One Day Passes:
• Enter the quantity of “Ride & Slide Passes” to be purchased.
o Note: Promo codes are valid ONLY on Ride & Slide Passes.
• Click on “Add to Cart.”
• Type your code in the box that says “Enter Promo Code.” (CUSEVA)
• Click on “Apply.” The discounted prices will now show.
• Click on “Checkout.”
• Either “Create an Account” or just “Continue as Guest.”
• Complete Billing information, then enter a card number under “Payment Information.”
• Check the Terms and Conditions box.
• Click on “Submit Order.”
Check your email for a PDF file containing your tickets, you can print these out OR they can be scanned from your phone in the prepaid lines at the park admission gates.